Friday, November 7, 2008

Blogging: one more excuse to put off housework?

#7, Anything about technology.

I saw a colleague on a Google product the other day...dangit, can't remember the name...Google Reader, that's it. It helps manage all the blogs you're interested in following. The same colleague sent me a few links to blogs about tightwaddery, and I found these very interesting.

This is an intriguing thing that I would like to get into more. I read the papers online every day (downright obsessively during the campaign season--did anyone else spend hours on nytime's map, where you could play around with who wins which state, and what the electoral count would be? I will have so much free time now). I could see myself also checking in on favorite blogs about books, gardening, knitting, soapmaking, etc., and also friends' blogs. And library news, of course! (Since this IS a work thing we're doing here.) Another colleague mentioned that she is now completely addicted to blogging, and enjoys posting pictures of her latest sewing or knitting creations. It seems like this Google tool could make all of this blog-watching a much easier process--if I had to go and find each blog individually, I think that tiny little step would be enough to sometimes stop me from doing it.

Also, I would love to start a family blog. Since we are adopting my husband's niece, there's lots of family news to share, test scores and artwork and concerts and such. Hilarious things she says ("I was elected president of the Student Cancel!") There's also the garden, the soap, other crafty things, my husband's bees and beermaking, and our various travel experiences. What a great way to keep in touch (without actually having to call!).

However, here's the problem with all of this potential blogging: I can hardly get anything done as it is! I'm the master at piddling around and wasting time on the weekends, when I really desperately need to be getting some things done (things I don't love so much, like cleaning and laundry) so that the week is a little less chaotic. Obviously my psyche must need that down time, but still, the laundry is not going to do itself. So I'm just kind of worried that I will get sucked into this whole other thing to do on the weekends and I will never get anything done. But I also wonder if it could be cathartic, like writing in a journal, which I've never been able to keep up.

If only I could do it while blogs? Would that be podcasts? I look forward to finding out.

P.S. I wonder if anyone else feels weird writing all of this stuff when you're not really writing TO anybody. It's like talking to myself in a way. Obviously I have plenty to say to myself!

1 comment:

Cat Herself said...

Blog while the washer is running. Have Leah set up a blogger account so she can post to the family blog, too, and it'll help with her writing and typing skills! (Simon has a blog, but hasn't posted since the day he set it up)

:-) Welcome to the addictosphere!